Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Here's a little thought I just had. I was lying here in bed with my dog Lola, who is the light of my life, as are most dogs to their people. As I lay here my brain starts wondering to issues of various sorts happening in the world, but then I landed on poverty, and specifically staving or obese children. And then I had a thought.... and this thought seemed logical to me...but I recognized the potential for its unpopularity.

My thought was we love our dogs like they are our children, we would do anything for them, yet we feed them the same boring kibble everyday. Why do we do this? It's healthy! We know what they are eating, we can manage their weight, and it's affordable, and efficient. And most dogs wait at the ready for their bowl of kibble every morning, yup, the same bowl they had last night, and yesterday morning. They even have dog foods that are natural, organic, vegetarian, gluten free, and who knows what else, that are just as regulated, or more than some of the “food” we eat.

So here's where my thoughts led, if you haven't already figured it out... why isn't there a kid kibble? And I don’t count cereal. Something hearty, and substantially nutritious, to be a whole meal. Think of all the starving kids that we could feed if we had a good kibble to give them a couple times a day? And all the 7 year olds, that already have diabetes, and can barely move without wheezing out their breath? How easily we could get that under control.

But it seems absurd, doesn’t it. You can give a kid dog food! That's child abuse! Why, though? We don't consider it dog abuse, and yet we consider our dogs our children?

Some people may argue that humans need variety, it's the spice of life! Well, I think when children are starving, they just want the life part. And do obese kids really need their food to be their entertainment? Maybe if their food wasn't so exciting they wouldn't eat so much, they'd have to entertain themselves in other ways, like oh I don't know... go outside and catch a ball.


  1. Enjoyed reading your post and looking at your FB photos from your trip to Paris. Hope you are doing well :)

  2. another good thought! i'd totally eat kibble, my diet is atrocious
