Wednesday, August 11, 2010

So guess what??!!! Well, first let me start by saying I didn't want to say anything, because I was scared of jinxing it, but I'm just too excited to contain myself. My vision has majorly improved! I'm still scared crapless that it's going to go back, but I've decided I have to enjoy it while I got it, and stop worrying about if or when it might go away. It would be disappointing, for sure, but I had already accepted that it was probably not going to get better, since it had been several months since the treatment with no improvement... well, I guess when they say radiation keeps working after they've stopped administering it, I didn't realize how long that could be for.

It's crazy how fast it happened, it was almost like one day bad, next day good. Kinda like when it went bad to begin with. Having double vision is extremely fatiguing. You have to focus so hard on everything you look at all day, that by the time night rolled around, and it was time to shut my eyes, they hurt so bad, not to mention the headaches and nausea. When I would wake up in the morning my eyes always felt rested, thus making my vision seem a little better... for a split second. Well, that split second turned into a few seconds, then it felt like minutes, and then I realized I wasn't turning my head to look at people with only my right eye as much. I could walk into a new place, and navigate my way around, because I wasn't seeing two of everything (except for in my way peripheral vision) and the lazy eye I had developed, was back on track, and others started to notice.

So that's what's new, and it's big! I'm no longer fearing school. I'm back to being super excited about it, and getting ready to make a move down to Sacramento very soon. I have a new doctor, and I love her. She took me off the killer chemo, and I feel sooo much better! For the first time in awhile, I feel confident again. I feel like we are back in control, and I can rest easy for awhile. And that's a good feeling.

1 comment:

  1. Kourtney that's so fantastic!!! Now we need to go back to de Young so you can REALLY see the art!! Just tell me when you have time and we can book it! Hey....does this mean you will dance with your Mom and I??? LMAO!'

    love you sweetie!!!
