Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Radiation is kicking my ass, and I've had only had three sessions so far. To be completely honest the side effects could be far worse. I am so lethargic, I can barely drag my ass outta bed to the car, sleep the whole way to my appointment, zone out on the way home, and fall asleep on the couch for the rest of the afternoon.
You may be wondering how it is that I'm up right now then? Well, the steroids they have me taking to combat the side effects (namely nausea, vomiting, headaches, what have you) have some side effects of their own. One being that I'm always hungry, and not just hungry for your average bear, hungry for your average bear that's also a defensive lineman.
So the only reason I'm out of bed is so that I can eat, and the only reason I'm not eating laying down in bed, is because I don't want to choke on my food and die ironically.
Though, that would be a big "Fuck You!" to cancer, wouldn't it? Like, hey cancer, this sandwich was able to kill me before you could, you pussy.


  1. Hey Kourt!! That's what I call a killer Sandwich!! Haha..You are the greatest!! I love your sense of humor. You always make me laugh!! I luv u

  2. Have you looked into Medical Cannabis??? It will help all of your side effects, But you must vaporize or ingest!! That is the only way you will get the full benefit. But you may eat even more!!

  3. Yeah, I already asked my Doc. She will only presribe me marinol (pill version, with active ingridient) I think it has something to do with it being a university, maybe, too contoverstial? But they mostly prescrbibe it to increase appittite, not my problem right now! I'm still not back on any painkillers, so far!

  4. My dear friend Gabe sent me to your blog. This entry cracks me up, and I love your sense of humor. I am one year out from my chemo treatments and will be one year out from radiation in July. Cancer has changed my whole life but oddly enough, I am so grateful for it. I really needed the awakening that cancer gave me. I have spent the last year doing all the things I should have been doing for years. Even if my cancer recurs soon, this has been a great year. So glad to "meet" you and I look forward to more of your wonderful writing. Deborah. Www.ddlatt.blogspot.com and www.flickr.com/photos/oceanbornstudios/
