Tuesday, April 27, 2010

So hair went bye bye. And I, once again, heard the doctors utter the phrase, "We've never seen anything like this before!" Of course you haven't, have you met me? No? Well, I'm the girl where everything that happens to me seems to be some kind of first, or rarity, or just plain not supposed to happen by the "norms" of cancer.

Not that losing your hair doesn't happen when you go through certain cancer treatments, but I literally had hair Saturday night, and by Monday morning it was gone... not going, gone.

The radiation docs said the radiation shouldn't have even made it all fall out, and it definitely shouldn't have all fallen out at once. My only other guess is when I went out Saturday night, in order to maintain a reasonable amount of energy to be mildly social, I drank about 5 RedBulls. So I blame the toxic, cow piss, which I think might be radioactive, itself... it gave my hair wings.

But it's not all bad. I made a discovery that has given me some much needed encouragement, as far as the treatment process goes. With radiation there's really no good way of knowing if it's doing anything until well after it's done. So you go through these treatments hoping and praying, but essentially just... waiting.

When I first went through chemo, and lost my hair (the "normal" way) I discovered little lumps, and bumps, and other oddities on my scalp that I always kinda knew were there, but never paid them any attention. I asked my doc about them, and she said they were most likely just benign growths, between the skull and the skin, a lot of people have them, they're not dangerous.

So I got outta the shower yesterday, and toweled off my perfectly smooth, hairless head, and then realized something... it was very nearly perfectly smooth. The bumps that had been there were shadows of their former selves.

Now in all the hoopla that my astonishing hair loss caused, I forgot to mention to the docs my discovery. So I don't know if the radiation has anything to do with it, but it makes me hopeful that if the growths, be them benign, are shrinking on the outside of my head, then just maybe that's an indication that the asshole growths on the inside of my head are shrinking, too.

And that it's not from all the RedBull.

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