Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Robots, Spinal Fluid, and Shoes

I felt it was time for some good news! These are small things, so don't get too excited, but to be cliche for a moment, it's appreciating the little stuff that really counts when it comes to happiness.

First off let me tell you about last Saturday, when my 4 year old nephew came over, and persisted to speak like a robot. It was a really good robot impression, sounded like some one who had a laryngectomy, and was using a voice prosthesis. I asked him how he was doing it? He stared blankly. I chalked it up to him being 4, watching too much TV, and let it go... until later that night when I turned on the TV. Certain voices in certain octave ranges were also robot voices. Ok, now I'm worried. It wasn't my nephew, once again, it's my own damn head! I took and extra dose of my meds, but decided I wasn't going to call the on-call oncologist at midnight. But it was the same the next day, so I called. He didn't give me any explanation, just told me to take an extra dose of meds, and come in on Monday. Oh boy. So I did, as always, preparing myself for the worst as we got closer to the hospital. But was quickly relieved of my worries once the doctor stuck an otoscope in my ears. Sometimes after radiation to the noggin, fluid build up can occur behind the ears as a result of the healing process, and cause hearing to be funny for awhile. The only real concern is that it can get infected, but they said I should be fine, just keep on the look out for signs of infection: pain, fever, chills, that kind of thing. So the robot voices will be around for a bit, but they're friendly robots, so that's ok by me!

The next bit of good news, which actually is really good news, so I have a little trouble fully accepting it. I'm still waiting for the phone call to say they mixed up the test results, but as of right now, they are saying there no detectable cancerous swimmer cells in my spinal fluid. Which means a port does not need to be placed directly in my head! Uh, YAY!

And the last bit, not health related at all, but makes me happy! In my mad cleaning, preparing to be immunosuppressed once again, I found the keys to my vintage Samsonite luggage, filled with vintage Jackie Kennedy style dresses, that I acquired over 10 years ago, locked up, and then lost the keys. I am very excited about this! Now I have an excuse to buy the $80 nude pumps that I desperately want, but had no real good reason to buy ;-)


  1. It is the small things in life that make you appreciate everything. Any moment in life can make you smile. Keep up the positivity!!!

  2. That's great, K.

    -- Galen

  3. your mom told me this morning. RIGHT ON!


  4. Ahh, shucks. There goes the Borg costume for Halloween.

  5. You go get those shoes girlfriend!!
